B2B Growth Hacking Case: Installatiebalie from 100 to 1200 new clients in 12 months
We have been involved in growing Installatiebalie.nl right from the start. The e-commerce platform focusing on electrical engineers offers the best online price with a great personal & local customer service.
Clients of Installatiebalie.nl typically Research Online, Purchase Offline (ROPO). The industry is pretty conservative and clients are used to just visit the physical store to buy their products. The platform is often used to show products to end-clients, 17% places orders via the website. Hence, we implemented an omni-channel growth strategy from the beginning using various channels like Whatsapp, offline mailings and inside sales agents.
The beginning: finding problem-solution fit
Before growth, there is product-market fit, and before product- market fit there is problem-solution fit. We have been conducting real-life research with customers: sitting next to them when they first saw the platform and examining their behaviour. Interviewing clients helped to get a deeper understanding of the actual value of the business and platform.
Usability testing & conducting the Sean Ellis test (How would you feel if you could no longer use InstallatieBalie.nl?) proved product-market fit, time for growth!
Platform evolution
The platform has been continuously evolving over time. This is both a qualitative as a quantitative process where we use heatmaps & recordings to examine visitor behaviour. We took it even a step further by looking at actual clients in real-life: face expression, eye attention, body language.
Growth focus over time
Growth is a process, a process that focused on improving metrics in the PIRATE funnel. Typically we focus on a specific part of the funnel for 1-4 sprints for 2 reasons:
1. Improving a metric takes time, measuring the impact
2. Maintaining focus is a key element of successful growth
As the platform started to perform better we also started to drive more traffic to the platform via SEO/SEA, Facebook, LinkedIn, email, cold outreach and more.
With the additional traffic from our ads, we started to see our first clients. Our next steps were on experimentation amongst retention and further optimization of the customer journey. We quickly noticed that users where prone to fall back in their old habits. To combat this naturally occurring phenomenon, we set-up and ran email drips, automated ads, and client calls to improve the amount of recurring customers.
The target audience is very loyal to their current supplier which made it challenging to convince them to switch. Therefore we had to come up with more creative ways to seduce them, like offering free business cards with their first order. Also, cold calling turned out to be a great acquisition channel for making a new account.
To improve the “new account” to “first order” conversion rate, we mapped out an onboarding flow including various multi-channel steps: (offline) welcome mailing, call, emails, discount offers, social advertising etc.
Now with a sustainable higher volume of new clients coming in, we focused on retention again to move the north star metric. Using intercom we integrated a marketing automaton 2.0. With personalized landing pages, email drips based on customer behaviour and automatically advertise on existing clients to improve the retention rate with 48%.
Next step is to use neuromarketing techniques to improve the average deal size and with that the CLTV.
Build data lake & ultimate performance dashboard
This client has a true passion for data, just like us. We have full insights from the total market to the CLTV (Customer Lifetime Value) of every individual customer.
KvK integration for quick sign-up
We built a KvK (Dutch chamber of commerce) search integration to fasten up the sign-up process. Also making it more human by adding a photo of one of the employees was a very important improvement in the conversion rate.
Always the best price!
We connected a price-scraper to gather data of competitors pricing using it in our Google Ads. We automatically fill in dynamic pricing values in our advertisements so we are always the cheapest.